by KindMeal.my
Super crispy mushrooms perfectly paired with delicious sticky sauce!
by KindMeal.my
Animals are quite the home builders. They also build towns, and cities, and underwater sculptures!
by Compassion Over Killing
Maine’s aquaculture industry has been growing rapidly and this growth has meant harm to animals, the environment, local communities, and human workers. We're doing something to stop it. Read more from One Green Planet:
by Compassion Over Killing
In our brand new episode of Pop Culture and Animals our own Director of Investigations Scott David talks about the vegetarian-turned-vegan superhero Animal Man from DC Comics. Watch to find out the connections between pop culture and animal cruelty -- or kindness:
by Compassion Over Killing
Did you know that cows can perform tasks, recognize human faces and form deep emotional bonds? Yet in the dairy industry, calves are ripped from their mothers' sides shortly after birth, considered byproducts of the industry that exploits them for profit. To learn the truth about dairy factory farmi..
by Compassion Over Killing
Animals are not meals. They're living beings and they deserve lives full of happiness and freedom ❤🐑
by Compassion Over Killing
Animals are no different from us. They just want to be happy. But being trapped in the animal agriculture system keeps them from leading a happy and healthy life. Take animals of your plate and make a difference for animals all over. #GoVegan
by Compassion Over Killing
All animals deserve to be happy. #govegan and help make a change for animals trapped in the animal agriculture system 💚🌱 Image: Jo-Anne McArthur / We Animals Media
by Compassion Over Killing
LEGAL UPDATE: We have sued Maine’s Department of Agriculture, Conservation, and Forestry - Animal Welfare Program (DACF-AWP) to force the agency to protect fish in the State’s growing aquaculture industry, as Maine law mandates. Read more from the Mount Desert Islander:
by Animal Equality
📣 Calling all Vancouver, Washington, USA animal advocates! 📣 We need you to stand up for animals this Monday, March 6th at Vancouver City Hall. Join Animal Equality as we support a ban on the sale of foie gras to protect ducks and geese from one of the worst abuses on factory farms. Already plann..