by KindMeal.my
All the newborns are already best mates! ❤
by KindMeal.my
The Perfect Pizza Pancake, a mouthwatering dish made with marbled PB&J and a heap of fresh berries!
by Compassion Over Killing
Animals deserve freedom and happiness. They do not deserve to be held in cages and treated cruelly. #GoVegan for the animals and make a difference💚.
by Animal Equality
Did you know❓By eliminating animal products from your diet, you can save nearly 200 cows, pigs, and other animals every year. 🌱 🐮 You're saving a baby cow from being ripped from her mother moments after birth just so her mom's milk can be sold in grocery stores. 🐔 You're protecting a chicken force..
by Compassion Over Killing
Animals are beautiful, sentient beings, yet the animal agriculture industry considers them to be just numbers. This needs to stop. Going #vegan makes a difference. Fight back against the animal ag system today🌱❤️
by Compassion Over Killing
Vegan athletes are on the rise. More and more athletes are seeing the value in adopting a #vegan diet and proving you don’t need animal products to compete at the highest level. Here is what soccer player Chris Smalling said about going vegan. #inspiring⚽️ Check out this blog post for a list of mor..
by Animal Equality
Calling all animal activists in Vancouver, Washington, USA❗Meet us at Vancouver City Hall to support a proposed bill to ban the sale of foie gras. 📣 Deemed one of the cruelest foods in the world, foie gras (or "fatty liver") is produced by force-feeding ducks and geese until their livers become dis..
by Compassion Over Killing
Pigs trapped in the animal agriculture system endure terrible abuses. Take action today: #GoVeganForTheAnimals Credit: Andrew Skowron / We Animals Media