by KindMeal.my
These adorable rescued farm animals are spreading the love this Valentine's Day! 💞
by KindMeal.my
The Kinabalu Pitcher plant at Mount Kinabalu, Sabah eats… shrew poo? 💩
by KindMeal.my
These guys found a deer trapped in a frozen river and brought him into their house to warm him up ❤
by Compassion Over Killing
Tomorrow is Valentine's Day❤️ Make the special by making a life-saving donation in your valentine's name, accompanied with an adorable e-card: !/donation/checkout
by Compassion Over Killing
Animals deserve love, not to be thrown in overcrowded, poorly ventilated transport vehicles. Yet this is the reality for so many animals trapped in the animal agriculture system 💔. #GoVegan Learn more here:
by Compassion Over Killing
Animals are not meals. They're living beings and they deserve freedom and respect. Leave animals off your plates. #govegan
by Animal Equality
Our investigators have documented a story seldom told...📹 It's the story of cows, pigs and chickens on a long and cruel journey to farms and slaughterhouses. 🚚 Stressed, overcrowded, and scared...these animals suffer from loading to unloading at the hands of abusive workers and unregulated transpor..
by Animal Equality
It's time their stories were told...and we're ready to tell them 🗣️ Tune in ✨tomorrow✨ right here on Facebook to be one of the first to hear a story many don't know, told through the lens of our undercover cameras. 🚛
by Compassion Over Killing
It’s pretty simple when you think about it, going vegan is the right thing to do. #GoVegan and keep animals off your plate.