by KindMeal.my
The "AquaDom" — home to 1,500 tropical fish — containing a million liters of water exploded in the lobby of the Radisson Blu in Berlin, with the vast majority of fish dead 😥
by KindMeal.my
Amazing wildlife wins ❤
by KindMeal.my
A healthy take on the classic Christmas dessert recipe.
by Animal Equality
Our US campaign to end the sale of one of the cruelest foods in the world—foie gras—is heating up. 💥 Animal Equality has now testified in front of City Council in Portland to begin creating bans at state & local levels on our path to a nationwide ban! 🦆💙 Animal Equality's Legal Advocacy Counsel, Sa..
by Animal Equality
In October of this year, Animal Equality joined a campaign led by the Open Wing Alliance to hold companies accountable for their commitments to ban cages for hens. We need your help to 💥 take action 💥 against one of the companies that remains silent about animal suffering—Millennium Hotels. Four c..
by Compassion Over Killing
Vegan athletes are on the rise. More and more athletes are seeing the value in adopting a vegan diet and proving you don’t need animal products to compete at the highest level. Here is what Venus Williams said about why she went vegan. #inspiring
by Compassion Over Killing
Do you want to build a better tomorrow for all animals? All donations made before midnight on December 31 will be matched dollar for dollar up to $100,000. PLUS, for a donation of $100 or more, you'll be entered to win one of five copies of HIDDEN: Animals in the Anthropocene by Jo-Anne McArthur a..
by Compassion Over Killing
We love lambs 🐑 Sheep have lived alongside humans for nearly 11,000 years. Sadly, sheep and lambs have primarily been raised and used as a source of meat, wool and milk — despite the fact that they have distinctive personalities, rich emotional lives and strong family ties. Here's some of the many ..
by Animal Equality
Animal Equality is continuing its efforts to ❌ STOP ❌ Brazil's Self-Control Bill! On Monday, Animal Equality participated in a debate at Brazil's Senate to oppose the Self-Control Bill. If passed, government inspections of slaughterhouses would end, allowing the meat industry to regulate itself. Th..
by Compassion Over Killing
Take a stand for animals. Take them off your plate. #GoVegan🌱 Image: Anipixel / We Animals Media