by KindMeal.my
Try this delicious, comforting and healthy Tomato & Fennel Curry!
by KindMeal.my
Whatever you do, don't get in this little rhino's way. 😂
by KindMeal.my
Helping an octopus protect her eggs ❤
by Compassion Over Killing
Do you want to build a better tomorrow for all animals? All donations made before midnight on December 31 will be matched dollar for dollar up to $100,000. Donate here: !/donation/checkout
by Compassion Over Killing
In our new, heartbreaking video, you'll meet Abby, a turkey who is bred to create more turkeys and later killed for meat, and you'll meet Emma, a turkey who is rapidly grown for meat. You'll travel through their short, painful lives from the day they're born until the day Abby and Emma are killed. P..
by Animal Equality
Please don't miss this incredible opportunity to help animals! 💙🐷 For a limited time, your donations will be matched by a generous (anonymous) donor. If you donate $30, he'll donate $30. Donate $50 and he'll donate $50. Or, become a monthly donor and the donor will match your contribution every mon..
by Compassion Over Killing
Thanksgiving is just around the corner, but there's still time to plan a compassionate menu. This investigation of Foster Farms revealed that the farm was gassing baby turkeys to death when they were too sick or injured to raise to slaughter and sell. Is this baby's life worth one meal? For help c..
by Compassion Over Killing
Planning a turkey-free Thanksgiving feast? It doesn't have to be difficult. Here’s our easy vegan Thanksgiving menu:
by Compassion Over Killing
TBT: This is Sadey🦃 (and her friend Ethel🐷) and they live at Harvest Home Animal Sanctuary. In 2018, Sadey was saved from Thanksgiving slaughter and found her way to sanctuary. Today, she is an accomplished author and was an Animal Ambassador for our annual VegWeek earlier this year 💚
by Compassion Over Killing
An Animal Outlook investigator shares a tender moment with a baby turkey -- probably the only kindness she will be shown in her whole life. On Foster Farms, a turkey hatchery in California, baby turkeys who are sick, injured, or deemed unprofitable, are ground up alive. Others are put into a plast..