by KindMeal.my
Peri Peri Tornado Potato — a fantastic, fun, tasty way to cook potatoes!
by KindMeal.my
Mama elephant gets CPR and comes back to life to reunite with her baby. ❤
by KindMeal.my
Black swan dad keeps his babies warm while mom goes to get dinner 😍
by KindMeal.my
This gorgeous goulash is the perfect dish for a rainy day — deep, rich, hot and bursting with umami tomato and paprika flavours.
by KindMeal.my
Best friends at the sanctuary ❤
by Animal Equality
Did you know American horses are being killed for their meat❓ Most Americans are opposed to the slaughter and consumption of horses. Yet, our country sends tens of thousands of these sensitive, intelligent animals to Canada and Mexico to be killed for their meat every year. This hypocrisy must end!..
by Compassion Over Killing
In late 2021 we asked the AHA to stop the process of certifying certain meat products as heart healthy in exchange for a fee, but they refused to do so. Now we're suing. Read more from VEGWORLD:
by Compassion Over Killing
This turkey loves to gobble up pumpkin. Love turkeys, don't eat them. ❤️ 📸: Harvest Home Animal Sanctuary
by Animal Equality
No matter how big or how small a company is...Animal Equality will take them on if it means improving the lives of farmed animals. 💪💙 Recently, we took on the world's largest food service provider, Compass Group. The company promised to end gestation crates for mother pigs in 2012, but never fulfil..
by Compassion Over Killing
Animals are not meals. They're living beings and they deserve freedom and respect. Leave animals off your plates. #govegan