by KindMeal.my
Would you excuse me please... I just need to inflate my nasal sac. 😀
by KindMeal.my
Sun-dried tomato rigatoni full of creaminess and punchiness!
by KindMeal.my
Most animals born with two heads rarely survive for long — except maybe reptiles.
by Animal Equality
We would like to wish a very special birthday to Joaquin Phoenix--a beloved actor, animal rights activist and supporter of Animal Equality! 💙🎉 This photo was taken during a special moment for Animal Equality as Joaquin joined us for a demonstration in February 2020. The morning of the 73rd BAFTA (B..
by Animal Equality
On Tuesday, Animal Equality supporters brought images of suffering mother pigs to a Bank of America in Austin, Texas to protest their partnership with Compass Group. 💪🐷 In July, we launched a campaign against Compass, the world's largest food service provider. The company committed to banning the e..
by Animal Equality
❗️NEW CAMPAIGN ALERT❗️ Help Animal Equality end horse slaughter! There is currently no permanent federal ban on the slaughter or exportation of American horses. Every year, the US sends tens of thousands of horses to Mexico and Canada to be slaughtered for human consumption. From the inhumane condi..
by Compassion Over Killing
Fall is here, and pigs are more than happy to participate in pumpkin picking season 🎃 Image: Jo-Anne McArthur / We Animals Media
by Compassion Over Killing
In our new Pop Culture and Animals video, Animal Outlook's Director of Investigations Scott David breaks down 1993's Hocus Pocus and explains how exactly to make a vegan potion, as an alternative to the questionable Sanderson Sister's version:
by Animal Equality
Animal Equality is protesting Bank of America’s silence on the extreme cruelty allowed by a foodservice company they work with, Compass Group. As their client, Bank of America must use their influence to get Compass Group to recommit to a promise they made ten years ago: to ban the use of cruel gest..
by Compassion Over Killing
Animals are not meals. They're living beings who deserve to lead happy and healthy lives. We all have the ability to help animals by going #vegan and taking animals off our plates.