by KindMeal.my
Frozen protein s'mores!
by KindMeal.my
Rescued baby monkey meets a baby deer and can't stop hugging her ❤️
by KindMeal.my
Carlton, the rescue pig got caught stealing neighbors' pumpkins! 🎃🧡
by KindMeal.my
Pumpkin dunkin'! 🏀
by Compassion Over Killing
Bird flu remains a serious concern, with over 100 million animals affected since 2022. 🦠 Learn more about how bird flu impacts farmed animals and the potential risks it poses for causing the next pandemic by checking out our latest blog. Read more here:
by Compassion Over Killing
Animals in U.S. agricultural facilities produce 940 billion pounds of manure each year. This waste can contaminate local drinking water, especially during floods, posing a risk for diseases like those caused by E. coli. It’s not just disgusting—it’s dangerous. Go vegan today at vegweek.com.
by Animal Equality
💙 Animals share the same love and emotions we do and deserve our kindness. Choosing a plant-based diet is one of the most powerful ways to help end this suffering. #RiseAgainstCruelty one plant-based meal at a time: