by KindMeal.my
Time for swimming lesson!
by KindMeal.my
Fishermen find a whale tangled in a net and spend hours freeing him 💙
by Compassion Over Killing
Do you know the true cost of a glass of milk? To learn more about the lives of cows farmed for dairy, watch our short video documenting the life of Winnie:
by Compassion Over Killing
A study in Science found that 60% of fish species could be wiped out within the next 80 years due to climate change. Climate change is a critical problem, and animal agriculture contributes heavily to this crisis. Read more: Image: Jo-Anne McArthur / We Animals Media
by Compassion Over Killing
Did you know that cows, like dogs, thrive in social environments where they can build relationships, play and exercise? More amazing facts about cows:
by Animal Equality
We wanted to wish a Happy (early) Birthday to Moby - a friend to the animals and Animal Equality. 🥳🐷 An artist, musician, DJ, record producer, restauranteur, and author, Moby has dedicated his life to protecting animals. And on Sunday, Sept 11, we celebrate not only his birthday but also his 35-year..
by Compassion Over Killing
Animals deserve to be happy and healthy, which they are not afforded trapped in the animal agriculture system. This needs to change. #GoVegan and take animals off your plate. Image: Jo-Anne McArthur / We Animals Media
by Compassion Over Killing
How exactly does contract chicken farming work and how can farmer's transition out of animal agriculture? Find out in our newest blog:
by Compassion Over Killing
Chickens are loving, social animals. Yet approximately 9 billion chickens are killed yearly for meat in the United States. #TryVeg and leave chicken off your plate. #animalsarenotfood Image: Jo-Anne McArthur / We Animals Media
by Compassion Over Killing
80% of Americans agree with California's proposition 12, which gives farmed animals basic protection against some of the worst standard cruelty inflicted by the industry. Now, the fate of that law is threatened as it goes to the Supreme Court. Find out what else you can do about Prop 12 and sign our..