by KindMeal.my
These BFFs may look a little different... but they are buddies nevertheless! ❤
by KindMeal.my
Malaysian authorities have seized African elephant tusks, pangolin scales, tiger teeth, and other wildlife skulls and bones with an estimated worth of RM80 million. Well done and bravo!
by KindMeal.my
Indulge in your own rich, decadent homemade nut butter!
by KindMeal.my
Rescue cow didn't have any friends until he met a Dalmatian 🥰
by Compassion Over Killing
Animals are loving, sentient beings, many of whom are trapped in the animal agriculture system. Take a stand and take animals off your plate. #GoVegan
by Animal Equality
U.S. SUPPORTERS: Put your skills and passion for animals into action!🐮💙 Join Animal Equality’s Volunteer Orientation on Monday, July 25 from 5-6p Pacific Time, USA and learn more about how you can become part of a global community speaking up for farmed animals. Sign-up to become an Animal Protect..
by Compassion Over Killing
🐄 Calves trapped in the animal agriculture system are stolen from their mothers and forced to suffer through awful treatment. These calves are left scared and all alone, but you can help them. Head to the link below to donate towards the helping of farmed animals like this calf. Image: Gabriela Pen..
by Animal Equality
CALLING ALL NEW YORKERS!📢 Animal Equality's President, Sharon Núñez Gough, and Vice President for Latin America, Dulce Ramírez, are speaking at Effective Altruism NYC's event on Thursday, July 21; 6:30pm - 9pm Eastern Standard Time, USA. Sharon & Dulce will share about Animal Equality's global work..
by Compassion Over Killing
Animal Place has debuted their virtual Museum of Animal Farming. We're excited that they chose two images from our investigations to feature in this exhibit. Explore the virtual museum today:
by Compassion Over Killing
Once living on an "educational" dairy farm, Daisy was headed for slaughter because she could no longer produce milk. Thankfully, she became a truly happy cow, living at Pasado's Safe Haven where Animal Outlook's Scott David was able to meet her. Many cows just like Daisy are trapped in the animal ..