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by KindMeal.my
Pastrami, schnitzel, gefilte fish: Jewish food isn't often known as plant-based. But there is a long tradition of Ashkenazi Jewish vegetarianism – one a new crop of chefs is reviving.
View Article 23 February 2022
by KindMeal.my
Everything in this shopping mall is recycled! ♻️
View Video 23 February 2022
by KindMeal.my
Love transcends boundaries and species ❤
View Video 23 February 2022
by KindMeal.my
Make your own irresistible salted caramel apple cinnamon rolls!
View Video 22 February 2022
by KindMeal.my
How do ants communicate?
View Video 21 February 2022
by Animal Equality
Each day, more and more people are starting to make kinder choices. ❤️Join our group of online activists, the Animal Protectors, and help keep up the momentum! Together, we can build a better world for animals.
View Article 23 February 2022
by Compassion Over Killing
Watch Billie Eilish, Maggie Baird, and a panel of experts speak in support of expanding plant-based options in K-12 schools.
View Video 23 February 2022
by Compassion Over Killing
Did you know that cows, like dogs, thrive in social environments where they can build relationships, play and exercise? More amazing facts about cows:
View Article 23 February 2022
by Compassion Over Killing
At 12:30pm ET today, Billie Eilish, Maggie Baird, and a panel of experts will speak at a virtual Capitol Hill briefing in support of expanding plant-based options in K-12 schools. Watch here:
View Article 23 February 2022
by Animal Equality
Animal Equality has worked for a decade to stop the harmful practice of force-feeding birds to make foie gras. We’ve conducted investigations on farms, knocked on politicians’ doors, and used grassroots and legal advocacy to score crucial international victories for force-fed ducks and geese. Hav..
View Article 22 February 2022
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