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by KindMeal.my
EatHami Cafe 食坊, Balakong pampers you with healthy and delicious meals, prepared from fresh, quality ingredients. Feast on their signature teriyaki tofu brown rice, vegan soba, tofu milky pasta, Hami green tea waffle and more! Enjoy 10% off:
by KindMeal.my
Alpacas are so goofy 😂 🦙
by KindMeal.my
Raw Chef Yin shares her spicylicious moment at Veggielicious Thai. Experience it now at 20% off:
by KindMeal.my
These vegan Swedish meatballs are packed full of punch and served on a bed of the creamiest mash with rich, creamy gravy.
by Compassion Over Killing
Take a stand for animals. Take them off your plate. #GoVegan Image: Victoria de Martigny / We Animals Media
by Compassion Over Killing
Animals are loving, sentient beings, many of whom are trapped in the animal agriculture system. Take a stand and take animals off your plate. Credit: Andrew Skowron / We Animals Media
by Animal Equality
You can make twice the impact for animals in factory farms & slaughterhouses by donating until June 30 ✨ Watch this message from our President Sharon Núñez Gough to learn more! A generous Animal Equality donor is matching donations for the month of June during our Matching Gift Challenge, meaning y..
by Compassion Over Killing
“There’s a purity to the foie gras issue” that forces people to confront the suffering inflicted on animals raised for food, said Cheryl Leahy. This quote, along with the work we've done to combat foie gras production, was featured in @mbolotnikova's new piece for @gridnews in which she breaks down ..
by Animal Equality
Undercover investigators know the depth of suffering that animals endure each day trapped on a factory farm. Your support means that our investigators like Sean can expose this cruelty to the public to help put it to an end. Right now all donations are being matched – please give today to make TWIC..