by KindMeal.my
Make your own vegan lobster rolls 😍
by KindMeal.my
Tiny lamb rescued from Ukraine has two Chihuahua bodyguards now ❤
by KindMeal.my
Tangy, citrusy, spicy and sweet — this Vietnamese sandwich has everything you could want between two pieces of bread!
by KindMeal.my
Mini horse who never had any attention bonds with a giant teddy bear and very affectionate dog. 💞
by KindMeal.my
An apple a day keeps the doctor away! 🍎
by Animal Equality
The time is NOW! The end starts today, and it starts with you. Add your signature to stop the cruelest industry in the world and free animals from their extreme suffering. A better future is possible. Sign now:
by Animal Equality
The majority of animals used for food are mutilated without painkillers, packed into cages, crates, and barns, forced to endure pain, discomfort, and fear, and are killed without regard. Tomorrow, join us in taking action to stop this cruelty. 🛑
by Animal Equality
Tag your friends in Rhode Island! The Rhode Island state legislature is currently considering legislation to spare ducks and geese from immense suffering to make foie gras. The cruelty involved in this process is unimaginable, and numerous other places have already banned foie gras for this reason..
by Compassion Over Killing
Animals are not meals. Farmed fish live lives filled with pain and mistreatment. It's cruel - these sentient beings deserve happy, healthy lives of freedom. #GoVegan and help make a difference.
by Animal Equality
Representatives from Animal Equality went to Brussels to demand support from MEPs for the initiative, which has also already obtained more than 169,000 signatures by EU citizens. "The lobby of the livestock industry tries to prevent many advances in animal welfare at the European level that citizen..