by KindMeal.my
Alpacas adorably trying to jump over the puddle 😄
by Compassion Over Killing
Once living on an "educational" dairy farm, Daisy was headed for slaughter because she could no longer produce milk. Thankfully, she became a truly happy cow, living at Pasado's Safe Haven where Animal Outlook's Scott David was able to meet her. Many cows just like Daisy are trapped in the animal a..
by Animal Equality
The severe animal cruelty we found in our latest investigation into a pig farm in Mexico is unfortunately nothing new. In several countries, including the US, newborn piglets are subjected to a number of painful mutilations, including teeth clipping, tail docking, and ear notching, and male piglets ..
by Compassion Over Killing
Legal victory: In 2018, Erin Wing worked undercover at Martin Farms, a Pennsylvania dairy facility, and documented animal abuse. In a recent decision, the Superior Court ordered the lower court to order the Franklin County DA to prosecute. Read more from Kenny Torrella at Vox:
by Compassion Over Killing
VEGWORLD magazine recently featured five women changing the world for animals who have been showcased by The Unbound Project in celebration of International Women’s Day. Our own @Erin Wing is one of those five women:
by Animal Equality
Our brave investigators work around the globe to expose the dairy industry’s abuse, and we’re committed to letting the world know how much cows suffer to produce a glass of milk or a slice of cheese. Have you made the switch to dairy-free options yet?
by Compassion Over Killing
Legal victory: In 2018, Erin Wing worked undercover at Martin Farms, a Pennsylvania dairy facility, and documented animal abuse. In a recent decision, the Superior Court ordered the lower court to order the Franklin County DA to prosecute. Read more from Kenny Torrella at Vox:
by Compassion Over Killing
Legal victory: In 2018, Erin Wing worked undercover at Martin Farms, a Pennsylvania dairy facility, and documented animal abuse. In a recent decision, the Superior Court ordered the lower court to order the Franklin County DA to prosecute. Read more from Kenny Torrella at Vox :
by Compassion Over Killing
Pigs trapped in the animal agriculture system endure terrible abuses. Take action today: Go vegan for the animals. #GoVeganForTheAnimals Credit: Andrew Skowron / We Animals Media