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by KindMeal.my
In-flight meal trays made from coffee grounds & rice husk!
View Video 05 October 2021
by KindMeal.my
Happy World Animal Day! ❤ Let's be kind to all our animal friends and live harmoniously together on our only home — Earth.
View Article 05 October 2021
by KindMeal.my
Rosie the rescued piggy celebrates her 5th birthday!
View Video 04 October 2021
by KindMeal.my
Do you know of these 5 animals?
View Video 03 October 2021
by Animal Equality
🎉 Happy Birthday, Alicia! 🎉 Actress Alicia Silverstone, the author of "The Kind Diet," has adhered to a vegan diet for more than 20 years. She aims to be as kind to the planet as possible, and in turn, has reaped several benefits in her life and her family's life. For example, she credits a vegan d..
View Article 05 October 2021
by Compassion Over Killing
Fall is here, and it's the perfect time for a pumpkin spice flavored treat. Our friends at VegNews have a great list:
View Article 05 October 2021
by Animal Equality
In the United States, fish are not covered by the Humane Slaughter Act. This results in a wide variety of cruel slaughter methods that vary by industry, company, and species. Fish are usually removed from the water and left to suffocate and die. They desperately attempt to escape as their gills co..
View Article 04 October 2021
by Animal Equality
Happy World Farm Animals Day! 🐥🐟🐮🐷🐔🐰🐣 Check out some of Animal Equality's work for animals since our founding in 2006. 🖤
View Article 03 October 2021
by Compassion Over Killing
Our investigator went undercover at a major U.S. hatchery to find out how they really treat newly hatched chicks. Watch his interview with NowThis. (Warning: distressing images)
View Video 03 October 2021
by Compassion Over Killing
Our investigator went undercover at a major U.S. hatchery to find out how they really treat newly hatched chicks. Watch his interview with NowThis. (Warning: distressing images)
View Video 02 October 2021
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