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by KindMeal.my
Meet Dusty and Otter: duck bffs. 🦆💖
View Video 29 September 2021
by KindMeal.my
View Video 28 September 2021
by KindMeal.my
You get insulted by a duck 🦆😆
View Video 27 September 2021
by Animal Equality
The suffering we witnessed at Summit Calf Ranch in Nebraska in November 2018 is something no animal should have to endure. Animal Equality’s investigation into Babybel supplier Tuls Dairy revealed prolonged suffering of day-old calves and the agony they face every single day at Summit Calf Ranch. ..
View Article 29 September 2021
by Compassion Over Killing
Chickens trapped in the meat industry are doomed to short, tragic lives full of suffering from the moment they hatch. Workers treat chicks like unfeeling widgets on a production line and even toss them, fully conscious, into a device called a macerator to be ground up alive. At a Case Farms hatchery..
View Article 29 September 2021
by Compassion Over Killing
Every person who observes Meatless Mondays reduces their carbon footprint by eight pounds per day - the same impact as not driving for two days - and also saves 28 land and 175 aquatic animals per year. Thanks Jules Jacobo for including us in your story. Read more about how eating sustainably can co..
View Article 28 September 2021
by Compassion Over Killing
The Maine Department of Environmental Protection is investigating why an estimated 100,000 fish died at a Cooke Aquaculture salmon site off Mount Desert Island. As alleged in our lawsuit against Cooke, our 2019 investigation at another facility revealed putrid conditions, rampant disease and widespr..
View Article 28 September 2021
by Animal Equality
We have the means to end this horrific practice. Help us do just that! Sign the petition --> BanChickCulling.com
View Video 28 September 2021
by Compassion Over Killing
The latest episode of our Vegan Family Podcast features Marisa Miller Wolfson, creator of the documentary Vegucated, co-author of "The Vegucated Family Table" and vegan mother of two. She discusses the importance of community, vegan parenting and more.
View Video 27 September 2021
by Animal Equality
We're hiring for multiple positions in the US! Do you have what it takes to change the world for animals? Apply to join our team today and start making a difference. 🐷🐔🐟🐶❤️
View Article 26 September 2021
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