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by KindMeal.my
Try this creamy, rich polenta and gremolata with sherry mushrooms!
View Video 31 August 2021
by KindMeal.my
Popsicle party! 🍧🍦
View Video 30 August 2021
by Compassion Over Killing
We're thrilled to announce we and Green Body Brand have partnered to expand vegan outreach. An exciting element to our partnership is Animal Outlook’s sponsorship of the Green Body Brand VegFest, powered by Plantarion. The pandemic has put Animal Outlook’s annual DC VegFest on hiatus for 2020 and 2..
View Article 31 August 2021
by Animal Equality
Within a day or two after birth, calves are typically separated from their mothers and fed milk replacers so that the dairy industry can profit off of the milk that was meant for the calf. This separation causes extreme distress for the cow and her calf. Mothers have been known to cry out for their ..
View Article 31 August 2021
by Compassion Over Killing
Vegan Egg Launches In Japan – The World’s Second Largest Consumer Of Eggs Japanese food tech Next Meats has successfully developed a vegan egg. The company says its plant-based option is better for the environment than animal-derived eggs. For more meat, dairy and egg alternatives, check out our we..
View Article 31 August 2021
by Compassion Over Killing
Newsflash: Not all vegan foods have to be healthy. Here are some delicious and cruelty-free snacks you can enjoy with peace of mind. What's your favorite fun food that just happens to be vegan?
View Article 30 August 2021
by Animal Equality
Choosing plant-based foods is the best way you can take a stand for animals and help fight animal exploitation. What plant-based meal have you enjoyed today? Want to do even more? Join our team of Animal Protectors and take easy online actions for animals. Sign up now at AnimalProtectors.us. 🐥
View Article 30 August 2021
by Compassion Over Killing
The Great Pacific Garbage Patch, a collection of trash in the North Pacific Ocean, is 3x the size of France. It's made up of many discarded objects, but more than 46% is discarded fishing gear. Have you seen Seaspiracy? Our director of undercover investigations Scott David talks about what he found ..
View Video 29 August 2021
by Compassion Over Killing
🍒 Happy National Cherry Turnover Day 🍒 Not sure if the cherry turnovers at your local bakery are vegan? Make them yourself:
View Article 29 August 2021
by Animal Equality
What we documented at Simmons Farm Raised Catfish in #YazooCity, MS was unacceptable. 💔😡 But don't take our word for it, watch the video footage for yourself. ➡️ Sign our petition calling for federal protections for fish: bit.ly/CatfishCruelty
View Video 29 August 2021
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