by KindMeal.my
Feast on ALICE Kitchen's Meatball Bolognese Pasta, featuring house-blended superlicious tomato purée and handrolled plant-based meatballs. Experience it at 15% off:
by KindMeal.my
Heartwarming video of lovely lambs receiving cuddles! 🐑❤️
by KindMeal.my
Scrumptious sushi platter at Imperial Art Cottage - 文献坊 that satisfies all senses! Experience it at 10% off with KindMeal.my.
by Compassion Over Killing
Between now and December 31, all donations up to $125,000 will be matched dollar for dollar by an anonymous Animal Outlook supporter. Your support will help build a kinder tomorrow for all animals. Credit: Jo-Anne McArthur / WeAnimals Media
by Compassion Over Killing
Today is National Day of Animal Rights. Animals are sentient beings and deserve the same rights every human does. We're all in it together.
by Animal Equality
Imagery of animals outside, as well as terms such as "humanely raised," "animal welfare," and "natural," have all been used to dupe people into purchasing animal products, thinking they are doing the "right" thing. Animal Equality is working to remove deceptive animal welfare claims from the marketp..
by Animal Equality
Animal Equality infiltrated tilapia farms in Mexico for the first time and uncovered the suffering of these animals at the hands of aquaculture due to the lack of laws protecting them from cruelty. Please support further investigations into the hidden lives of farmed animals by making a gift today..
by Compassion Over Killing
Earlier this year, an Animal Outlook investigator recorded video footage of a non-ambulatory or “downed” cow being delivered to and cruelly slaughtered at Bravo Packing. This abuse is all too common in the industry and must be stopped. Read more about our investigation here:
by Compassion Over Killing
Meet Winnie, a cow in the dairy industry, and learn what the average life is for a cow like here: