by KindMeal.my
Taking turns to devour the juicy watermelon!
by KindMeal.my
The ultimate broccoli snack! 🥦
by KindMeal.my
Look at baby Zippy go! Zippy came to the farm sanctuary without the use of her back legs, so they've created a therapy pool for her to exercise easily and safely as she grows. ❤
by KindMeal.my
Woman makes friends with a bumblebee who naps on her hand đź’›
by Compassion Over Killing
Are you a federal employee? If so, this is your opportunity to do even more for animals. The Combined Federal Campaign (CFC) is taking pledges to support nonprofits. Federal employees can make a gift to Animal Outlook to help us continue to expose the truth and inspire change. Please use our CFC# 1..
by Compassion Over Killing
Jane Velez-Mitchell, also known as Jane Unchained News, has launched a free vegan streaming service called UnChained TV, which will house cooking shows, breaking news, documentaries, and even content from Animal Outlook.
by Animal Equality
🚨 Animals need your help! 🚨 The meat industry is desperately trying to overturn a key animal protection law – California’s Prevention of Cruelty to Farmed Animals Act (aka "Proposition 12"). This historic law, passed in 2018, prohibits the cruel caging of mother pigs, egg-laying hens and baby calve..
by Compassion Over Killing
In 2020, 224 million turkeys were killed for food in the United States per the USDA. This year, more than 214 million turkeys have already been slaughtered. The animal agriculture system profits from the deaths of innocent animals, often in unethical, cruel and immoral ways. Learn more about our und..
by Compassion Over Killing
Combating climate change and veganism go hand in hand. Now is the time to #TryVeg and fight against the massive environmental damage caused by animal agriculture.
by Animal Equality
Chickens are the most abused land animals on the planet. More chickens are raised and killed for food than all pigs, cows, and lambs combined. Chickens spend their entire lives in filthy sheds with tens of thousands of other birds. They are bred to grow so large so quickly that their legs and organ..