by KindMeal.my
This amazing person founded her own sanctuary in South Africa to rescue, rehabilitate and promote conservation of big cats.
by KindMeal.my
Here’s a handy guide to edible flowers that can be used to dress up a recipe. They taste good... or different, at least.
by KindMeal.my
The Vegends, Kepong delights you with popular Malaysian cuisine, Taiwanese snacks and Western delicacies! Feast on their hamburgers, noodles, steamboat, rice dishes, Kento sets, soups and snacks. Enjoy 10% off:
by Compassion Over Killing
Our latest undercover investigation exposed horrific animal cruelty at Case Farms, a chicken hatchery in North Carolina. Learn more from our friends at Plant Based News here:
by Compassion Over Killing
We've teamed up with Green Body Brand to do even more for farmed animals and empower people to make compassionate food choices. Check out our new line of merch with GBB here:
by Compassion Over Killing
Chicks at this Case Farms hatchery and others just like it suffer from the moment they hatch until the moment they die. Our investigator documented many chicks who were killed, mangled, maimed or trapped in equipment or machinery that was improperly operated or set up. Watch and share our new invest..
by Compassion Over Killing
Why do we do undercover investigations? Because the world needs to know the truth about animal agriculture. So-called "ag-gag" laws are designed to prevent such investigations. Our footage shows you just what the meat, dairy and egg industries try so hard to keep hidden from public view. Learn more ..
by Animal Equality
Extend your compassion for animals to those who are trying to make better choices in their daily lives. Tell your story. Take them to a farm animal sanctuary. Cook them amazing vegan food. Show them how easy and delicious plant-based eating is! 🤗
by Compassion Over Killing
After many years of campaigning by Animal Outlook, we celebrate another victory with Starbucks' announcement that it will test vegan whipped cream at two Seattle locations. If rolled out nationwide, this would add to the ever-growing list of vegan options at the coffee giant. Find out more about our..
by Compassion Over Killing
ARC -Awakening Respect and Compassion for all sentient beings’s webinar series “Chicken Farming in America” featured Animal Outlook’s Scott David and Erin Wing discussing their time as undercover investigators with Tracey Winter Glover. Watch the discussion here: