by KindMeal.my
How to make accordion potatoes and other mouthwatering foods!
by KindMeal.my
Watch this little seal hop back to his family after being rescued!
by KindMeal.my
The branch managers heard running water and took immediate action.
by KindMeal.my
Goat and his dad are having an important chat 😆
by Compassion Over Killing
This is Jane, one of the nine billion chickens raised - and killed - for meat each year in the United States. Here is a glimpse into a chicken’s life - if that chicken is unlucky enough to be born into the meat industry. #WhatsWrongWithChicken
by Compassion Over Killing
Labor Day is tomorrow. Here are 14 easy recipes we've put together to help you celebrate the day. #TryVeg #food #LaborDay
by Compassion Over Killing
It's back to school time - and with that comes packing quick snacks for the kids. Here are some ideas to brighten up their desk-bound days with some cruelty-free bites: #TryVeg #backtoschool #snacks #snackideas #vegan #food #school #kids
by Animal Equality
Throwback to August 2013 when we conducted an open rescue of 10 hens from an organic egg farm in Italy. Before this hen was safe at her forever home, she was locked up with several thousand other hens in filthy conditions. We found injured and dead birds among her. Don’t believe the labels. The on..
by Compassion Over Killing
A factory-farmed chicken lives an average of just 42 days, while a chicken's natural life expectancy is several years. Learn more about what can be done to help chickens at animaloutlook.org. #WhatsWrongWithBigAg #chickens #vegan
by Animal Equality
No matter what kind of farm they come from, they all experience a terrifying end. Don't be the reason why an animal has to die. Choose plant-based.