by KindMeal.my
Land urchin meets sea pup. 🥰
by KindMeal.my
Tofu is one of the best, most versatile and flavorful ways for plant-based eating!
by KindMeal.my
It's never a good idea to mess with a rhino mom. 😆
by Animal Equality
The meat industry is setting Brazil on fire. Sign our petition today to be a part of this global demand for a better future for the animals and the planet!
by Animal Equality
Animal agriculture is responsible for the majority of the destruction of Brazil’s richest ecosystems. This unregulated industry is also the cause of Brazil’s cruelest practices against animals. Because of poor regulation and veterinary care on farms in Brazil, female cows often arrive at the slaught..
by Compassion Over Killing
Chickens farmed for meat and eggs are subjected to torment their entire short lives. It's cruel - these sentient beings deserve happy, healthy lives of freedom. Find out more about what chickens go through in the animal agriculture: — and stay tuned for a brand-new investigation in the near future..
by Animal Equality
Fires raging in nearby forests are often difficult to control. They end up reaching the pastures where cows graze. Take action now to help end this cycle of destruction:
by Animal Equality
Animal agriculture is destroying Brazil's habitats and our planet, and is responsible for the suffering of billions of animals. Animal Equality is petitioning Brazil's National Congress and world leaders to take actions that will hold the Brazilian meat industry accountable for its crimes. Sign our..
by Compassion Over Killing
Starbucks offers a variety of vegan food and drink options in addition to menu items that can be easily veganized with a few adjustments. From coffee to tea and breakfast to lunch, Starbucks is sure to have something vegan that can fix your craving. Here’s a list of options to try:
by Animal Equality
The Pantanal, the world's largest tropical wetlands, is being cleared at an alarming rate to create pasture to raise cows. Sign our petition today to end this destruction.