by KindMeal.my
Remember to eat your veggies! 🥬
by KindMeal.my
Meet the beatboxing seal! 😍
by Compassion Over Killing
Our friend Esther the Wonder Pig is here to remind you that animals are friends, not food. In celebration of Animal Rights week 2021, we wanted to highlight this beautiful soul who has inspired so many to #govegan. #ARWeek2021 #AnimalRightsWeek #AnimalRights #TryVeg #Pigs #Compassion #VeganLife #Ve..
by Compassion Over Killing
Approximately 1,300 pigs are killed each hour, their meat to be sold as SPAM or other Hormel pork products, at Quality Pork Processors, a slaughterhouse in MN. The excessive slaughter line speed can cause workers to take dangerous and cruel shortcuts that lead to extreme suffering for millions of p..
by Compassion Over Killing
"I witnessed affectionate, intelligent cows being beaten with wooden canes and metal pipes and dragged with chains by tractors," said Erin Wing, our deputy director of investigations. Read more:
by Animal Equality
The fishing industry is cruel & it's destroying our planet. The time is now to go fish free! 🚫🎣 animalequality.org/issues/fish
by Compassion Over Killing
Cows can perform tasks, recognize human faces and become stressed when they are separated from their friends or family. Yet the dairy industry relies on the breaking of bonds. Thankfully, we can simply choose not to support this injustice by opting for plant-based milk and other vegan dairy product..
by Compassion Over Killing
Calves get one last look at their mother before being taken away. In 2019, our investigator documented senseless and violent abuse of mother cows and their defenseless calves at Martin Farms, a Pennsylvania dairy factory farm. This is some of the worst abuse we’ve ever documented, yet it shows prac..
by Compassion Over Killing
Today is Prime Day. Remember to shop for deals at smile.amazon.com, or with AmazonSmile ON in the Amazon app, and AmazonSmile will donate to Animal Outlook at no cost to you. Just make sure Animal Outlook is selected as your charity of choice.💚
by Animal Equality
Happy Father's Day to all dads! DYK that roosters are often amazing fathers? They protect flocks from predators and teach their babies how to find food.❤️🐓