by KindMeal.my
We should all be as resourceful as this clever fish 🐠
by KindMeal.my
Rasa Viet Kitchen - Damansara Kim and The Sphere indulges you with an authentic Vietnamese experience! Feast on a sumptuous meat-free, Muslim-friendly selection of spring rolls, sandwiches, pancakes, noodles, vermicelli, rice and desserts. Enjoy 15% off now:
by Animal Equality
The fishing industry causes suffering and death to trillions of fish each year, but they aren't the only ones impacted. Countless non-target species are trapped and killed by fishing lines and nets. Injured animals are often tossed overboard to die. 💔 In honor of #WorldAquaticAnimalDay, please go f..
by Animal Equality
In honor of #WorldAquaticAnimalDay, please leave fish off your plate, and help us expose the TRUTH behind the cruel salmon industry! 👇 Fish have feelings, and they deserve better.
by Vegan.com
Reading about animal rights & animal welfare may or may not turn you into a vegan. Either way, though, it'll give you an important new way to look at animals and the world around us. Why not give this introduction a read over the weekend?
by Animal Equality
Today is #WorldAquaticAnimalDay. 🐟 Aquatic animals can feel pain in the same capacity as any other animal! Despite this, they're killed in the most horrific ways and have little to no legal protections. 😢 Join us in taking action for them today (virtually!) with the Aquatic Animal Law Initiative an..
by Compassion Over Killing
Aquaculture is a rapidly growing form of food production, but that’s not a good thing for animals, the environment or consumers. Today is World Aquatic Animal Day. Learn more about aquaculture’s plague on welfare, environment and health. Read more: #worldaquaticanimalday
by Compassion Over Killing
Win prizes from incredible vegan brands like
Earth Science Beauty during VegWeek (April 19-25, 2021) Sign up by taking the VegPledge and receive daily emails containing recipes, tips, resources and more to support you on your vegan journey. ➡️ *Prizes limited to U.S. residents only. #vegweek #v..
by Animal Equality
Save the date! 🐟 Saturday, April 3 is #WorldAquaticAnimalDay and we’re excited to join with the Aquatic Animal Law Initiative and the Center for Animal Law Studies to helps our aquatic animal friends. Learn more and sign up to participate in the day's activities, including a webinar, and a special..
by Compassion Over Killing
UN Climate report urges society to shift away from meat and dairy. According to a recent UN climate report, “everyone has a role to play” in transforming humankind’s relationship with the natural world, including moving away from high-impact animal products such as meat and dairy. Read more from LI..