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by KindMeal.my
Baby penguin tries to make friends 🥰
View Video 25 August 2024
by KindMeal.my
View Video 24 August 2024
by KindMeal.my
View Video 23 August 2024
by KindMeal.my
View Video 22 August 2024
by KindMeal.my
Alpaca is just “weird-looking” sheep 😂
View Video 21 August 2024
by Compassion Over Killing
Tomorrow is National Waffle Day🧇 Celebrate with this delicious cruelty-free recipe:
View Article 24 August 2024
by Animal Equality
💙 It's Make-a-Will Month! ✨ Create a future where animals are safe and protected. By including Animal Equality in your will, you can help us fight for animals' rights for years to come. 🤩 Build a legacy of compassion: ✊ Join the millions who are choosing compassion over cruelty. #RiseAgainstCr..
View Article 24 August 2024
by Compassion Over Killing
The Animal Outlook Network is a new website and e-learning platform that helps you to become an impactful and effective animal advocate. Learn more about what this unique tool has to offer and sign up today to start taking action for our animal friends -
View Article 24 August 2024
by Animal Equality
⚠️ Democracy Under Threat! 🐄 Congress is considering a Farm Bill that could dismantle decades of hard-won animal protection laws. We can’t let that happen. Let your representatives know you oppose any language that undermines the progress we've made for animals. 🌱 By becoming an #AnimalProtector,..
View Article 22 August 2024
by Compassion Over Killing
In 2019, the American Heart Association published research showing that a vegan diet is beneficial for our health. Yet, they still endorse animal products as heart-healthy. Why? Because they profit from allowing companies to use their 'Heart-Check mark.' Why does the AHA contradict their own science..
View Article 22 August 2024
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