by KindMeal.my
Enjoy 20% off healthy, nutritious food at Juve Wellness Puchong, served with a cup of Wellness Tea. Grab your coupon now:
by KindMeal.my
23 trains were delayed, while the German police and firefighters were forced to intervene to move an apparently “mourning” swan blocking a high-speed railway line.
by Compassion Over Killing
TOMORROW at 1PM EST on Jane Unchained News: Hear from the undercover investigator behind the dairy investigation highlighted by the New York Times this week, Erin Wing. She'll be joined by Animal Outlook President Erica Meier to discuss the truth of what happens behind the closed doors of the dairy..
by Compassion Over Killing
In a recent article, The New York Times posed the question: Is dairy farming cruel to cows? The article showed small-scale “family” farms -- farms that don’t represent the US dairy industry at large. In this video, our undercover investigator Erin Wing unearthed the TRUTH behind dairy farming. War..
by Compassion Over Killing
TOMORROW at 1PM EST on Jane Unchained News: Hear from the undercover investigator behind the dairy investigation highlighted by the New York Times this week, Erin Wing. She'll be joined by Animal Outlook President Erica Meier to discuss the truth of what happens behind the closed doors of the dairy..
by Compassion Over Killing
This week, The New York Times asked: Is dairy cruel to cows? Our answer: YES. Dairy is inherently cruel, and there’s no way around it. On factory farms, cows are often beaten, abused, or even left in the hot sun to die, like newborn calves were at Dick Van Dam dairy. Though industry reps claim th..
by Animal Equality
There’s still time to make your year-end gift to help animals trapped in factory farms who desperately need protection. Your donation today will be TRIPLED by a generous donor who has just increased their matching gift to help us reach our goal. Donate now! bit.ly/protectanimals3x
by Compassion Over Killing
This is wrong. This isn't how animals should be treated. But unfortunately, it's the painful reality kept hidden behind the closed doors of Big Ag. That's why it's crucial for our brave undercover investigators to continue exposing the truth. Please help keep their cameras 🎥 rolling with a MATCHED..
by Compassion Over Killing
UPDATE: The North American Meat Institute filed a petition for rehearing on its attempt to stop Proposition 12 and was denied...again. In fact, not a single judge voted in favor of the meat industry's request. Thank you to The Humane Society of the United States for leading this effort and to the ..
by Animal Equality
Leaked hidden camera footage shows horrific abuse at a major chicken supplier in Germany. Once again, showing that cruelty is commonplace in the chicken industry, regardless of where the farms are located. Resolve to stop supporting cruelty in 2021! Leave chickens and all animals off your plate.