by KindMeal.my
Did you know that millions of potatoes go to waste every single day?
by KindMeal.my
Table9 in Bangsar brings you creative Italian delicacies and Korean-inspired drinks. Experience a tasty array of meat-free items, including breakfasts, sandwiches, pastas, pizzas and Bingsu. Buon appetito with 20% off:
by KindMeal.my
Watch this little bowler pro in action. 💪
by KindMeal.my
Looking to add more variety into your diet? Get creative with how you cut and prepare them. Experiment with shapes. Serve with a dip. Let's give it a try!
by KindMeal.my
SUPE Japanese VEGAN KL presents uniquely crafted vegan delights that are organic and natural, light and easily digestible, and nutritious yet flavorful. Featuring fresh-made maki, ramen & udon, fried rice, spaghetti, snacks, vegan cakes and more. Enjoy 15% off now:
by Compassion Over Killing
A moving film about the interconnection of all beings and our planet. This short film features Animal Outlook undercover footage as well as a whole cast of inspiring animal advocates. Worth a watch and share.
by Animal Equality
Starting today, you can make an even BIGGER difference for animals. All donations made until the end of the year are being matched by a generous donor! Donate here 👉
by Compassion Over Killing
THIS is the reality of dairy farming in the United States. Sweet mother cows and their babies are treated as nothing more than potential profit. Look out for animals, take action: animaloutlook.org/deathofdairy
by Animal Equality
Fish have feelings, but they're still caught and killed in horrific ways in the fishing industry, with no laws protecting them in the United States. Please leave fish off your plate! 🐟 Learn more:
by Animal Equality
Want to make a difference in the world? Join our group of online volunteers, The Animal Protectors! ✊ Sign up now and start taking action.