by KindMeal.my
Natural events have always been the cause for Earth’s climate change. They are the usual suspects but recent evidence shows some shocking development. Watch this animation by NASA to learn more about climate change.
by KindMeal.my
Revitalize your soul with Soulgreen 心灵 舒适坊's delicious local cuisine, straight from the food paradise of Melaka! An extensive meat-free selection of rice, noodles, snacks, soups, burgers and beverages awaits to delight you. Enjoy 15% off now:
by KindMeal.my
Want to eat more veggies? If you’re struggling to incorporate more veggies into you or your kiddies' diet, this chart has simple suggestions for upping your veggie intake without sacrificing flavor!
by KindMeal.my
A baby orangutan learns how to build a nest.
by KindMeal.my
Nourish your body and delight your taste buds with Sandalo Healthy Vegetarian Cuisine 香道湾健康素食料理's creative dishes! Indulge in a sumptuous steamboat featuring 6 soups, Taiwanese bento sets, appetizing snacks, and signature local delights. Enjoy 10% off on weekdays:
by Vegan.com
Usually when you're lazy, you pay the price by getting inferior results. But roasting vegetables is about the laziest cooking choice imaginable—it's SO quick and easy—and the results are amazing!
by Compassion Over Killing
Foster Farms uses approximately four million gallons of water each day to kill and clean up after terrified birds. Is it worth it?
by Animal Equality
TAKE ACTION: McDonald’s continues to use chickens selectively bred to grow ultra-fast, despite the proven suffering these animals endure. Speak up for thickens now! 👇
by Compassion Over Killing
Vegan cheese has come a long way, thanks in large part to Miyoko Schinner!
by Animal Equality
Our second undercover video taken at a major chicken supplier reveals farm workers killing hundreds of chicks a day who weren't expected to grow large enough to be profitable. Some animals suffered for minutes after a worker tried crushing their necks. Don't support this cruelty! Leave animals off..