by KindMeal.my
The town of Kamikatsu, Japan, is known for something they don’t really have: trash. This village has worked tirelessly to create a system which essentially produces zero waste.
by KindMeal.my
Going meat-free has never been easier. Here are a few great meat replacements to spice up your meals!
by KindMeal.my
SUPE Japanese VEGAN KL presents uniquely crafted vegan delights that are organic and natural, light and easily digestible, and nutritious yet flavorful. Featuring fresh-made maki, ramen & udon, fried rice, spaghetti, snacks, vegan cakes and more. Enjoy 15% off now:
by KindMeal.my
Prince Cuisine at The Scott Garden KL indulges you with a taste of authentic Hong Kong food within a cozy atmosphere. Feast on flavorful HK-style dishes, fried rice, noodles, curry, vegetables, dim sum and more, prepared with special recipes and quality ingredients. Enjoy 30% off:
by Animal Equality
Fish can feel pain and fear n the same capacity as anyone else. We don't have to harm them to stay healthy and happy. Here are some plant-based Omega-3 sources: ✔️Flaxseeds ✔️Chia seeds ✔️Edamame (soy beans) ✔️Kidney beans ✔️Walnuts ✔️Soy bean oil ✔️Brussels sprouts ✔️Canola oil ✔️Omega-3 vitamin..
by Compassion Over Killing
Summer is almost over...which of these are you going to grill while you still have the time?
by Animal Equality
Want to be the first to know about breaking investigations and more? Head to our homepage and click the popup to sign up for notifications! 👉animalequality.org
by Animal Equality
"Live export" is a nightmarish journey for animals being shipped to slaughter. Those who don't make it are often simply tossed overboard. 💔
by Compassion Over Killing
🐷 TODAY is the first day of Animal Outlook's 25th anniversary celebration. 🐮 Our hearts are filled with pride and gratitude for all we’ve accomplished in these past 25 years, thanks to you. More than that, we’re excited about what we will accomplish in the next 25. And most of all, we are truly gra..