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by KindMeal.my
View Video 02 February 2024
by KindMeal.my
View Video 01 February 2024
by KindMeal.my
Who needs a blanket when you can have a lap full of piglets? 🐷❀️
View Video 31 January 2024
by KindMeal.my
Duck & dog BFFs πŸ’–
View Video 30 January 2024
by KindMeal.my
Poseidon's ribbon weed β€” world's largest living organism found in Australia.
View Video 29 January 2024
by Compassion Over Killing
You can help animals who are used and exploited for food by removing them from your plate and encouraging others to do the same - tryveg.com
View Article 01 February 2024
by Animal Equality
πŸ’™ An eye-catching billboard has appeared in Times Square, inviting New Yorkers to join the Love Veg movement! ✊ πŸ“£The Love Veg billboard appeared a day after Animal Equality protested on Broadway, targeting FINN Partners, a marketing firm linked to animal cruelty in Denny's supply chain. 🌱 See the ..
View Article 01 February 2024
by Animal Equality
πŸ’™ Thanks to the support of compassionate animal advocates all over the world, we can expose the truth about what really happens in the food industry. 🌱 Share kindness around the dinner table. ✊ #RiseAgainstCruelty ONE plant-based meal at a time: loveveg.com.
View Article 30 January 2024
by Compassion Over Killing
Between August and November 2022, an undercover investigator from Animal Outlook delved into the operations of Jannat Farm in Virginia. This facility, contracted by Tyson Foods for chicken production, witnessed the journey of 150,000 birds from small chicks to slaughter. The investigator obtained fo..
View Article 30 January 2024
by Animal Equality
πŸ“£ At this critical moment, our attention is centered on a groundbreaking criminal trial in Spain. The Carrasco brothers are confronting 14 counts of animal cruelty, a deeply troubling reality starkly portrayed in this photograph. Read the current news: animalequality.org/news/spanish-pig-farm-owner..
View Article 28 January 2024
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