by KindMeal.my
Just mongoofing around in a ball pit. 😁
by KindMeal.my
Thank you, and well done to the Shah Alam traffic police for rescuing the injured dog on Federal Highway! "Every creature on this Earth is precious, we should do good and love one another because every life deserves to live peacefully and comfortably" — a beautiful statement from these amazing hero..
by KindMeal.my
Embark on healthy, sustainable living with Lohas Vegetarian Bistro's delicious and affordable meat-free meals! Dine on a wide variety of local favorites, bentos, claypots, rice, noodles, burgers, sandwiches and more. Enjoy 20% off:
by KindMeal.my
Guy rehabs a wild duckling — who flies back to visit with his girlfriend! ❤️
by KindMeal.my
Enjoy 20% off healthy, nutritious food at Juve Wellness Puchong, served with a cup of Wellness Tea. Grab your coupon now:
by Vegan.com
If you want to become a better vegan cook, reading this will speed your progress by months and maybe years.
by Animal Equality
We're sending birthday wishes to actor Peter Dinklage today. Here's to a true hero who stands up for animals! 🎉🎂💕
by Animal Equality
BREAKING: Along with Público, Animal Equality just released a shocking investigation exposing the nightmarish conditions on a massive chicken farm. Take action now!
by Animal Equality
"Dehorning" and "disbudding" involve cutting off a cow’s horns or burning off or gouging out a calf’s horn tissue. This is typically done in the dairy industry and it's extremely painful for the animals, who cry out and struggle to escape. 😢 Learn more about this and other practices happening on f..
by Animal Equality
TAKE ACTION: Sign our petition asking the United Nations to use their power to help close wet markets that sell animals!