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by KindMeal.my
Coronavirus lockdowns globally have given parts of the natural world a rare opportunity to experience life with hardly any humans around.
by KindMeal.my
Perplexed penguins discovers selfie!
by KindMeal.my
12 rangers were among 17 people killed in Virunga National Park in Congo, in one of the worst massacres in the park’s recent history.
by KindMeal.my
Prince Cuisine at The Scott Garden KL indulges you with a taste of authentic Hong Kong food within a cozy atmosphere. Feast on flavorful HK-style dishes, fried rice, noodles, curry, vegetables, dim sum and more, prepared with special recipes and quality ingredients. Enjoy 30% off: *** Note: Plea..
by Compassion Over Killing
Governor Ralph Northam knows that VA shoppers can tell the difference between plant milk and milk meant for baby cows, vetoing dairy industry-supported attempt to stifle commercial speech.
by Animal Equality
Live-animal markets are dangerous and cruel no matter where in the world they operate. 🆘 That's why we're working with lawmakers in Mexico to criminalize them along with the country's "underground" slaughterhouses.
by Compassion Over Killing
Many slaughterhouses have been shuttered due to COVID-19 outbreaks among workers. Yet others continue to operate, some at new high speeds, causing great animal suffering and hazardous conditions for workers. We find this appalling. If you find it appalling too, please donate today. Your generous su..
by Animal Equality
It hurts to be ignored, but the REAL victims are the baby chickens suffering for McDonalds' supply chain. We'll never stop fighting for them! ✊ Join us! www.animalequality.org/animal-protectors
by Animal Equality
Animal suffering doesn't only take place in wet markets. Even on farms certified for being "high-welfare," animals often live in misery. The best way to help them is by simply leaving them off of our plates! ❤️🌱
by Compassion Over Killing
"But as the coronavirus pandemic has emerged, workers say they have encountered another health complication: reluctance to cover their mouths while coughing or to clean their faces after sneezing, because this can cause them to miss a piece of meat as it goes by, creating a risk of disciplinary acti..