by KindMeal.my
Vegipai 新素派 is open for takeaways during this MCO period. Enjoy 20% off their Asian and Western delights now!
by KindMeal.my
Not long ago South Georgia’s fur seals were massacred — nearly driven to extinction. Now, they’re thriving.
by KindMeal.my
Staying home? Your meals can be simple yet delicious and satisfying!
by KindMeal.my
Malayan pangolins smuggled to China have been found to carry viruses closely related to the one sweeping the world. This raised the question of where they contracted the virus — was it from bats along the trafficking route to China, or in their native Southeast Asian habitats?
by KindMeal.my
Trying to find the most comfortable seat 😆
by Animal Equality
During this difficult time let's extend our compassion to all animals by choosing more plant-based foods when grocery shopping! 🛒 What's your favorite online store to order groceries from? Let us know in the comments!
by Compassion Over Killing
This week, PA State Police announced that they would not be pressing charges following our investigation of Martin Farms, despite our video evidence showing mother cows being hit and kicked, calves’ heads burned with a hot iron, and sick cows being hoisted and dragged with a barbaric metal hip clamp..
by Animal Equality
Small actions have a big impact for animals! You don't even have to get off the couch. 😉 ✔️Share an informative video to your story to raise awareness. ✔️Post a pic of your delicious plant-based meal. ✔️Sign a petition. ✔️Join the Animal Protectors, our group of online volunteers! animalprotector..
by Animal Equality
Animals are suffering grueling hours inside transport trucks as they wait to cross country borders amid this global pandemic. 😰
by Vegan.com
Fish oil carries some important omega 3 fats, but there's killing involved, damage to marine ecosystems, and you have to worry about whether the fish came from clean waters. Luckily, you can easily get the very same fats from vegan sources!