by KindMeal.my
Meet this sweet little baby emu! 😍
by KindMeal.my
Contribute to a better earth and environment with Love Earth Cafe 爱地球素食坊's delicious variety of meat-free cuisines! Enjoy healthy, earth-friendly pasta, pizza, burger, bento, rice, noodles, desserts and more at this cozy Kepong cafe. Exclusive 20% off:
by KindMeal.my
Prince Cuisine at The Scott Garden KL indulges you with a taste of authentic Hong Kong food within a cozy atmosphere. Feast on flavorful HK-style dishes, fried rice, noodles, curry, vegetables, dim sum and more, prepared with special recipes and quality ingredients. Enjoy 30% off:
by KindMeal.my
The Banana Bird is in a very chatty mood. 🦜😘
by Compassion Over Killing
#DidYouKnow that on some farms, breeder broiler chickens have plastic rods painfully stabbed through their noses to restrict food intake? Animal Outlook investigations reveal these cruel, but often hidden practices to the world.
by Vegan.com
If you're with a local vegan or animal rights group, please make sure your site links to some of our best articles, especially my "Why Go Vegan?" essay. Thanks! You can find all our top resources here:
by Animal Equality
Pigs have the same capacity to feel pain and fear as as the dogs we share our homes with. Please leave ALL animals off your plate. 🐷❤️🐶
by Animal Equality
No matter where it's made, dairy is always cruel. Learn more about our investigation into this buffalo farm:
by Animal Equality
HEARTBREAKING: This is the sad result of viewing animals as products vs. living, feeling beings. 💔