by KindMeal.my
This guy brought an injured baby deer into his house and became her dad 😍
by KindMeal.my
Volunteers in China say they're struggling to keep up with the number of animals being abandoned as the country battles the virus outbreak.
by KindMeal.my
Indulge in VCR's creamy cakes & portobello mushroom quiche, paired with a cup of aromatic coffee. Don't miss out on VCR Bangsar's signature Polenta Shrooms too, topped with hazelnuts, seasonal mushrooms & sourdough crumble. Enjoy up to 30% off:
by KindMeal.my
This parrot got its life back with a brand new prosthetic beak!
by KindMeal.my
Tze Ern Vege Restaurant at Publika delights you with good food, good price and good service. Feast on a wide variety of quality cuisines, including thick gravy noodles, claypots, fried rice, mushroom and tofu dishes. Enjoy 15% off now:
by Compassion Over Killing
It has been over a year now since Science magazine published Joseph Poore's study analyzing the enormous environmental impact of farming animals for food. Have you gone vegan 🌱 yet?
by Animal Equality
DYK that pigs have excellent memories and even can learn to play and enjoy playing video games? Show love for pigs today—and every day—by leaving them off your plate! #NationalPigDay! ❤️🐷💕🐖
by Animal Equality
Seba Johnson was the first black woman to ski at the Olympics, and the youngest alpine ski racer in Olympic history. And, she did it all with the help of a plant-based diet. ❤️🌱Seba boycotted what would've been her third Olympic games to protest Norway's decision to lift a ban on whale hunting and s..
by Animal Equality
Animal cruelty is difficult to watch, but it's so important to share. Help us get justice for animals suffering on factory farms.
by Compassion Over Killing
Join the Alliance. Be part of a movement of like-minded activists empowered to take meaningful actions online and in our communities. Together, we are changing the world for animals.