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by KindMeal.my
VWRAP at Sunway Geo pampers you with healthy, nutritious and eco-friendly cuisine, prepared with freshest ingredients and natural seasoning. Enjoy 20% off a delicious variety of wraps, burgers, pasta, sandwiches, fried rice, noodles, snacks and beverages! Grab your free coupon:
View Article 03 October 2019
by KindMeal.my
View Video 03 October 2019
by KindMeal.my
Lush Cafe in Setia Alam serves you deliciously creative comfort food within a cozy environment. Enjoy 20% off tasty meat-free selection of breakfasts, burgers, pasta, smoothies and toasts!
View Article 03 October 2019
by KindMeal.my
Good job to the police and Sabah Wildlife Department for the prompt action!
View Article 03 October 2019
by KindMeal.my
Wild dolphin befriends every person and dog he sees πŸ¬πŸ’™
View Video 02 October 2019
by Animal Equality
DYK that in the U.S., more than 90% of hens are packed into wire cages? πŸ˜₯ Learn more about why you should show love for hens and go egg-free #WorldDayForFarmedAnimals
View Article 03 October 2019
by Vegan.com
Despite all the crazy things that governments do to prop up the meat industry, every once in a while we get a moment of sanity.
View Article 03 October 2019
by Compassion Over Killing
Are you ready to make waves with us? 🌊 Compassion Over Killing is about to release its latest investigation. It's the first of its kind, and it's going to be BIG. To be the first to see and share the eye-opening investigative video on Monday, October 7th, sign up for our e-newsletter now at cok.ne..
View Article 03 October 2019
by Animal Equality
This live-changing movie is now available on digital worldwide! Get yours now at gamechangersmovie.com πŸ’ͺ🌱
View Video 02 October 2019
by Animal Equality
πŸ’”πŸ”McDonald's uses suppliers who breed chickens to grow so large, so fast, that many of them suffer leg deformities and cannot stand up. Urge McDonald's to commit to changing this, like its competitors have! Take action: mcchickencruelty.com
View Article 02 October 2019
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