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by KindMeal.my
Each year, helmeted hornbill couples select a cavity for their nest. Then for five months, the female stays inside with their chick while the male finds food for the entire family.
View Video 27 September 2019
by KindMeal.my
Enjoy 20% off healthy, nutritious food at Juve Wellness Puchong, served with a cup of Organic Brown Rice Coffee. Grab your coupon now:
View Article 27 September 2019
by KindMeal.my
Enjoy creative, healthy meat-free meals at DONE CAFE Vegetarian Puchong, prepared with heart by a young team. Feast on a delicious variety of rice, noodles, soups, mushrooms, bean curds, pasta, chops, snacks, desserts and more. Get 20% off now:
View Article 26 September 2019
by KindMeal.my
In the United Kingdom, swans get the royal treatment. All swans in the UK are officially protected by Her Majesty herself. But how does the queen keep tabs on all her feathered friends? Enter the “swan uppers.”
View Video 26 September 2019
by KindMeal.my
Experience great food and ambiance at Jeq In The House Section 17, a stylish and cozy cafe. Indulge in Eggy Blossoms, Mushroom Pot Pie, Ceasar Salad, Bruschetta, freshly baked in-house cakes & more. Enjoy 20% off:
View Article 26 September 2019
by Animal Equality
Cows in the dairy industry face the same fate as those in the meat industry — they're killed once their milk production declines. Please choose dairy-free alternatives. ❤️🐮Learn more: Photo: instagram.com/konrad.lozinski
View Article 27 September 2019
by Compassion Over Killing
Finally beginning to catch up with plant-based demand, McDonald’s has announced that it will be trialing a plant-based Beyond Meat burger in select Canada locations
View Article 27 September 2019
by Animal Equality
Despite whatever clever labels corporations put on their meat, it's standard practice for pigs in the commercial meat industry to be severely confined. No animal deserves to suffer. Please, leave meat and other animal products off your plate.
View Article 26 September 2019
by Animal Equality
Washington DC: The Reducetarain Summit kicks off this Friday! 🌱 Engage with nearly 100 speakers, panelists, and exhibitors & explore strategies & tactics for reducing societal consumption of animal products & ending factory farming. Register now!
View Article 26 September 2019
by Animal Equality
Spotted 👀 outside of a McDonald's restaurant in New York: Our mobile billboard! We won't back down until McDonald's agrees to eliminate the cruelest farming practices in its supply chain. Learn more at mcchickencruelty.com.
View Article 25 September 2019
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