by KindMeal.my
Fancy some Jalapenos Pasta or Tomato Bingsu? Buon appetito with 20% off:
by KindMeal.my
This photographer made an unlikely friend!
by KindMeal.my
Unleash your imagination and tastebuds with award-winning RUYI & LYN 如意's signature dishes like Sorcerer's Wok, Phoenix's Nest, Humpty Dumpty and Dragonfly Salad! Enjoy 20% off now:
by KindMeal.my
An elephant's trunk isn't your typical nose. It's so multipurpose!
by Compassion Over Killing
Today we grilled Martha Stewart on the horrific abuse we exposed at a hatchery owned by her new seafood partner. Her response? "I'm not talking about that." TAKE ACTION & tell Martha it's time to turn the tides on this cruelty below! 👇
by Animal Equality
Whether the eggs are labeled "cage-free" or not, hens in the commercial egg industry live in misery for about two years until they're killed. No meal is worth their pain. Please, stop eating eggs. 🙅🥚 Learn more about the egg industry here:
by Animal Equality
Pigs need space to roam and explore in order to be happy, but most pigs raised for food are on commercial farms, which means they languish in extreme confinement. Share if you think that ALL animals deserve to live free from suffering. ❤️
by Compassion Over Killing
Salmon are slender and graceful fish whose Latin name means "the leaper." Watch, sign, share, support:
by Compassion Over Killing
Vegan Family Podcast presented by Compassion Over Killing and TryVeg.com brings to you tips, tricks, recipes, and ideas for thriving vegan households. Listen, subscribe, and give it a FIVE STAR review!
by Animal Equality
#FBF to when Hilton Hotels & Resorts committed to a cage-free egg policy. This is a step in the right direction that couldn't have happened without people like YOU who took action. Want to help out with more campaigns like this one? Sign up for the Animal Protectors and we'll send you petitions an..