by KindMeal.my
A challenging journey for the little ducklings!
by KindMeal.my
Pamper yourself with The Honest Treat's RAWsome vegan cakes & ice-creams! Vegan, raw, refined sugar-free, gluten-free and dairy-free, these pretty raw cake slices and ice-cream are handcrafted with the finest ingredients. Enjoy up to 30% off:
by KindMeal.my
A loyal baby rescue bird!
by KindMeal.my
Fancy some Jalapenos Pasta or Tomato Bingsu? Buon appetito with 20% off:
by KindMeal.my
KFC is now experimenting with vegan fried chicken!
by Compassion Over Killing
"I want to urge you to give vegans a chance — to love and to celebrate them instead of ridiculing them. We need more vegan voices, because on the big issues — the criminal cruelty of industrial farming; the sentience and emotional depth of food animals; the environmental toll of meat and the unsusta..
by Vegan.com
If you became vegan to save animals, you should know that a little activism can easily save ten times more animals than you'll save through being vegan. Get started here.
by Animal Equality
KFC's launch of Beyond Meat fried chicken was a huge success yesterday and fast food fanatics took to social media to celebrate! 🎉 Do you think KFC will launch it nationwide? Let us know in the comments, and check out the highlights of the day 👇👇👇
by Vegan.com
We all know that the market for vegan foods is growing. What isn't so obvious is that the RATE of growth is simply jaw-dropping.
by Animal Equality
Chickens raised for meat often spend their lives infested with parasites and overcrowded in filthy sheds. 😷🤢 Urge McDonald's to commit to improving conditions for the birds in its supply chain!