by KindMeal.my
Save The Animals, Go Meatless! 🌱 Redeem 10% KindMeal discount on your total bill at Hainan Village 海南乡. 😍 Who says going meatless can't be delicious? Savoring the delectable meatless feast at Hainan Village is even more delightful with a discount. 😎 Redeem now: Discount available at the follo..
by KindMeal.my
Abused cow didn’t allow anyone to touch her. Now she begs for back rubs. ❤️
by Animal Equality
🚨 Animal Equality, along with Animal Partisan and the Animal Activist Legal Defense Project, is formally requesting criminal charges against Colorado Lamb Processors and one of its supervisors for lamb cruelty. 🔻 On Mar. 28, 2023, a USDA Public Health Veterinarian inspected a Colorado Lamb Processo..
by Compassion Over Killing
Meet Winnie – born into the cruel dairy industry, Winnie is taken from her mother within hours of birth and force-fed milk replacer with a tube. Her mother’s milk, meant for her, is taken for consumption by humans. Just like her mother, Winnie faces a life of suffering. This is the harsh reality of ..
by Animal Equality
🗽✊ Get ready, New York! Join President Sharon Núñez Gough and VP Jose Valle Blanco tomorrow, Jan. 25th, for a powerful protest at the FINN Partners flagship location in NYC. 🔴 Finn Partners is a public relations agency helping Denny's amidst a nationwide backlash against their continued authorizat..
by Animal Equality
✨🎥 The animal documentary you’ve been waiting for… is coming soon! Animal Equality will appear in the film so stay tuned: humansandotheranimalsmovie.com/ via Mark Devries Studio.
by Animal Equality
💪 Animal Equality fights for justice in Spain! 📅 Tomorrow, January 24th, the Carrasco brothers, owners of the infamous Hermanos Carrasco pig farm in Spain, face trial for 14 charges of animal abuse. 🎥 The criminal trial follows a 2018 investigation by Javier Moreno, Animal Equality’s co-founder, ..
by Animal Equality
✨ Celebrate the re-launch of Love Veg with us! 🌱 By signing up, you’ll receive a free digital cookbook, expert tips, and more. Nourish compassion ONE plant-based meal at a time: loveveg.com Use hashtag #RiseAgainstCruelty to share your delicious plant-based meals with friends and family. Remember..
by Compassion Over Killing
Are you a current student who is passionate about advocating for animals by working on projects aimed to empower the masses to choose vegan? Are you adaptable and organized, with strong writing and research skills? Are you a keen social media enthusiast and happy talking to the public about veganism..