by KindMeal.my
Kisses from the wild! 🥰
by KindMeal.my
Lit bright by yellow bricks, yellow flowers and many things yellow, Yellow Brick Road reminds us of the magical land of Oz. Indulge in creative meat-free meals within the dreamy environment!
by KindMeal.my
Circus Roncalli is preserving the tradition of animal acts while eliminating concerns of animal cruelty.
by Compassion Over Killing
ACTION ALERT! Join vegan runners in telling Dunkin': We want to run on a vegan donut! Call today and urge the chain to ditch the cruel ingredients.
by Compassion Over Killing
In a continued effort to fight the USDA’s cruel and reckless high-speed slaughter program, the U.S. House of Representatives Appropriations Committee has approved the DeLauro-Price Amendment as part of the Fiscal Year 2020 Agriculture Appropriations bill
by Compassion Over Killing
Big Ag's death toll goes far beyond slaughterhouse walls - "the same facility under a previous owner was fined just $19,000 for killing 40,000 fish in an acid spill in 2016." Protect animals + the planet = TryVeg.com
by Animal Equality
Hens are great mothers who protect their babies and teach them life skills. 🐣 But chicks born into the meat industry never get a chance to meet their mothers. 💔 Instead, they're crammedinto sheds with thousands of other birds, denied everything that's natural to them. #WorldMeatFreeWeek Learn the s..
by Compassion Over Killing
Thank you Kinder Beauty Box for supporting compassion every day. Check out their unique line of 100% #vegan & cruelty-free products at kinderbeauty.com! Curated by Evanna Lynch and Daniella Monet! #GoVegan
by Compassion Over Killing
Tune into TryVeg LIVE now! Learn how to make Vegan Crab Cakes with Jessica! Click the link to join the broadcast:
by Compassion Over Killing
"Our milk supply is outpacing demand, but dairy farms continue to receive gov. support, which promotes further wasteful overproduction. Trying to keep dairy farmers in the dairy business is a herculean and misguided effort. Government programs should encourage farmers to transition to plant-based a..