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by KindMeal.my
Deep under the blue waves of Italy's Bay of Noli are greenhouses growing everything from tomatoes to basil and herbs.
View Video 21 March 2019
by KindMeal.my
Enjoy a selection of Western cuisine, signature mocktails and desserts. Don't miss out on their egg bubble waffle!
View Article 21 March 2019
by KindMeal.my
Meet the most unique little turtle in the world.
View Video 20 March 2019
by KindMeal.my
Lush Cafe in Setia Alam serves you deliciously creative comfort food within a cozy environment. Enjoy 20% off tasty meat-free selection of breakfasts, burgers, pasta, smoothies and toasts!
View Article 20 March 2019
by Compassion Over Killing
Looking for amazing #vegan accessories that everyone will love - including cows?! ❤️🐄 Shop at at this link: doshi.shop/?aff=3 and Compassion Over Killing will receive a 5% donation direct from Doshi.Shop
View Article 20 March 2019
by Animal Equality
It's time for McDonald's to end #McChickenCruelty for good. Please sign our petition and ask it to change: bit.ly/McChickenCruelty
View Article 20 March 2019
by Compassion Over Killing
Tomorrow is MeatOut 2019! With nearly 100 events planned and listed and a half dozen MeatOut proclamations secured across the U.S., 2019's MeatOut has surpassed last year's numbers! Thank you! MeatOut.org
View Article 20 March 2019
by Compassion Over Killing
Will we see you at Roscoe's in Takoma Park today? Come out to try the new vegan menu and make sure to tell them you're there for Compassion Over Killing--10% of proceeds will support COK! Plus, all bottles of wine will be half price.
View Article 20 March 2019
by Compassion Over Killing
This slaughterhouse kills nearly three birds every second--on just one slaughter line. And now the U.S. Department of Agriculture wants to expand reckless high-speed slaughter nationwide. Help us stop the USDA's dangerous plan this #NationalPoultryDay: cok.net/HighSpeedSlaughter
View Video 20 March 2019
by Compassion Over Killing
Want to know what we've been up to at Compassion Over Killing? Download the free Compassionate Action magazine at COK.net/CA36.
View Article 19 March 2019
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