by KindMeal.my
Saving Africa’s orphaned animals.
by KindMeal.my
From Asian to Western, local to Sze Chuan, Vegipai 新素派 will satisfy your cravings with healthy & tasty delights. Enjoy 20% off at this cozy & friendly cafe!
by Compassion Over Killing
Be an Olympian vegan like Seba Johnson! Take the VegWeek.com VegPledge and unlock deals, discounts, vegan recipes and SO much more!
by Compassion Over Killing
If Nestlé wants to be a true food leader, it's time to start shifting its supply chain to vegan ingredients. And it can start with dairy-free Dreyer's and vegan Edy's! 🍦 TAKE ACTION: cok.net/nestle
by Compassion Over Killing
2019 is the year of the vegan & VegWeek kicks off on April 22! Are you ready to the take VegPledge challenge? Join the fun to get free recipes, coupons, deals, and a chance to win great prizes: VegWeek.com Be sure to spread the joy & invite all your pre-vegan friends & family ❤️
by Compassion Over Killing
Most animals raised for meat in the U.S. spend their lives in conventional indoor agricultural systems, routinely receiving antibiotics and growth promoters -- is this “natural?"
by Animal Equality
Investigations are the most powerful tool we have to expose the cruel and abusive treatment of animals inside the secretive world of industrial animal agriculture. 🎥 Learn more about the work we do: bit.ly/AEInvestigations
by Compassion Over Killing
"Undercover footage released by animal-rights group Compassion Over Killing shows a cow being milked while bleeding from a severed utter, workers stomping fatigued animals, and persistent uterine prolapses without veterinarian care at Martin Farms—a dairy supplier for Nestlé-owned Dreyer’s ice cream..
by Compassion Over Killing
Thank you, A Well-Fed World for sponsoring VegWeek 2019! Your support helps make it possible to deliver deals, discounts, vegan recipes, and more to tens of thousands of VegPledgers! Take the VegPledge today! VegWeek.com
by Compassion Over Killing
Horrified by the cruelty to cows we uncovered inside Martin Farms? Take a stand against the abuse by taking our VegWeek VegPledge!