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by KindMeal.my
Lush Cafe in Setia Alam serves you deliciously creative comfort food within a cozy environment. Enjoy 20% off tasty meat-free selection of breakfasts, burgers, pasta, smoothies and toasts!
View Article 15 January 2019
by KindMeal.my
Fish play. Fish feel. Fish suffer. 🐟
View Video 14 January 2019
by KindMeal.my
A hidden gem at Subang Jaya, Restoran Bindhu outstands Malaysia's rich culture with tasty local delights — vegetarian style! From Thali Set to Nasi Lemak to Hainanese Chicken Rice, you can now enjoy healthy, meat-free versions of Malaysian all-time favorites. Celebrate our tasty heritage at Bindhu..
View Article 13 January 2019
by KindMeal.my
After President Yanukovych was ousted from Ukraine in 2014, he left behind a luxurious estate — including an *entire zoo*. Thankfully, Sergey Grigoryev came to the resuce, caring for the abandoned animals.
View Video 13 January 2019
by KindMeal.my
visits La Zat for some authentic, tasty and irresistible vegan Malay cuisine! Indulge now at 20% off:
View Video 12 January 2019
by Compassion Over Killing
Tell the #FDA Not to Help Big Dairy Squash Plant Milk Competition! Let your voice be herd. COK.net/milkcomments
View Article 14 January 2019
by Compassion Over Killing
Be her beacon of light: Support our brave investigators who are exposing the truth, and choose compassion for all animals.
View Article 13 January 2019
by Compassion Over Killing
On Twitter? Find and follow Compassion Over Killing on Twitter for more news, reviews, recipes, and resources. Twitter.com/TryVeg
View Article 13 January 2019
by Compassion Over Killing
Compassion Over Killing’s brave investigators shine a light on the cruelties kept hidden behind the closed doors of animal agribusiness. Please support our team.
View Article 13 January 2019
by Compassion Over Killing
DYK COK first reached out to BOCA in 2010, prompting the company to completely eliminate its use of eggs? Now your support is powering our campaign to get BOCA to ditch dairy, too -- and it's working! via Vegconomist Global:
View Article 12 January 2019
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