by KindMeal.my
A hummingbird needs to consume at least their body weight in nectar each day. High in the Talamanca Mountains of Costa Rica, the competition for food is fierce.
by KindMeal.my
Mountain lion kittens stay with their mothers learning important survival skills until they're 18 months old.
by KindMeal.my
Urbano e Fresco at Damansara Perdana pampers you with authentic Italian cuisine, prepared with quality ingredients. Enjoy a delectable meat-free menu spanning starters, salads, pastas, pizzas, soups, snacks, and desserts. Get up to 25% off:
by Compassion Over Killing
Inspiring new interview with COK's Erica Meier on NYXT.nyc! "There are more than 9 billion animals raised and killed in the US each year, and with few laws to protect them, they routinely endure abuses that would result in criminal prosecution if inflicted on dogs or cats. Their suffering is kept hi..
by Animal Equality
WE NEED YOU! Our online action networks take on the world's biggest companies and demand change. Join our volunteer team of Animal Protectors today and make a difference for animals tomorrow! 🙏❤️
by Compassion Over Killing
Would you be a Panda Express" customer if they made their Eggplant Tofu and Chow Mein #vegan? What about if they added a hearty entree with vegan chicken or vegan beef? Sign the Vegan Outreach petition NOW!
by Compassion Over Killing
The world’s largest poultry producer, Tyson Foods, announced another plant-fueled investment, funding a company producing vegan protein from mushroom roots. Though this is a positive step, Compassion Over Killing continues taking Tyson to task for its failure to do better by birds.
by Compassion Over Killing
Undercover investigations are exposing the hidden truth the industry doesn't want you to see. Our videos are opening hearts and minds - and changing lives. Your support helps keep our hidden cameras rolling. If even just 25% of our FB fans donated $1 today, we could fund several more investigatio..
by Compassion Over Killing
YES: We love seeing elected officials help put vegan eating on the political map! ❤️🌱💪🌏
by Vegan.com
The idea that you shouldn't be allowed to label a product "vegan meat" or "vegan beef" is ridiculous, and it's crucial that: 1) The vegan movement organizes to defeat this legislation. 2) Individually, we mock these laws every chance we get.