by KindMeal.my
Happy Piggy New Year! 🐷 May the year of the cute piggy bring forth an abundance of happiness, peace, health and success; and great progress for the welfare of our adorable animal friends too. Enjoy your CNY feasts, cookies and reunions, drive safely, and ensure your pets are well cared for! Looki..
by KindMeal.my
A young man struggles to find his place in the world. Only when he stops to listen to what grandpa is actually saying, does he realize the true wealth of his heritage. A beautiful Chinese New Year message by Digi.
by Compassion Over Killing
Warning: this is the heartbreaking truth.💔 This happens to 9 billion birds in the US every year. YOU can stop it. We can stand up for chickens and all animals by leaving them off our plates. Learn more at ChickenIndustry.com
by Animal Equality
In the United States, fish are not covered by the Humane Slaughter Act. This results in a wide variety of cruel slaughter methods dependent on industry, company, and species. Fish are usually removed from the water and left to suffocate and die. They desperately attempt to escape as their gills coll..
by Compassion Over Killing
It's #BlackHistoryMonth. Come meet 12 Black Vegan Activists Building a Healthy and Compassionate World.
by Compassion Over Killing
From the courtrooms to the court of public opinion, Compassion Over Killing’s dedicated legal team tirelessly defends animals and strives for justice.
by Compassion Over Killing
Starting TODAY (thru Feb 11), enter to win this 100% organic cotton Pig Pal tote exclusively from Two Trick Pony, a #vegan-woman-owned small business offering retro-inspired greeting cards, prints and tote bags! No purchase necessary! ENTER NOW!
by Compassion Over Killing
Check out this “The Vegan Way” giveaway! To enter: head over to TryVeg.com, “like” the page, and comment on the post! That’s it! One lucky winner chosen March 1!
by Compassion Over Killing
NEW! Compassion Over Killing #ValentinesDay eCARDS! 💝 Choose one of four designs to send when you dedicate your donation to your special someone/s:
by Compassion Over Killing
Shop and support Compassion Over Killing or order leaflets and literature for your next outreach event or vegan potluck!