by KindMeal.my
For a country that prides itself on its food, we seem to waste a lot of it.
by KindMeal.my
Feast like an emperor at M&W Healthy Vegetarian Restaurant, Kepong, indulging in over 100 sumptuous oriental dishes! Enjoy 20% off their oriental snacks, soups, dishes, noodles, desserts, specials and drinks!
by KindMeal.my
How do dirty fish get clean? By signaling to shrimp for help.
by KindMeal.my
Enjoy a cozy moment with friends and family at MONTE CARLO Bistro, serving you comfort food with a creative touch. A favorite among diners for more than a decade at Bangsar Shopping Center, you will be pampered with delicious pasta, healthy salads, creamy soups, indulgent desserts and more. Dine n..
by Compassion Over Killing
"Veganism and vegetarianism is the hot topic with younger people. It seems that each generation coming up is less meat-orientated"
by Animal Equality
No cages, no torture, no suffering. Just a family enjoying their lives. Happy and free. Ready to make the switch to a plant-based diet? Head over to Love Veg to get you started: ❤️🌱
by Compassion Over Killing
#vegan leather handbags, briefcases, backpacks, belts and accessories for all? USE THIS LINK: COK.net/doshi (Support #Compassion)
by Compassion Over Killing
ACT NOW: Join us and MORE THAN 100,000 people today in urging the USDA to put the brakes on reckless high-speed slaughter of birds–to protect animals, workers, and the health of consumers by signing and sharing our petition.
by Compassion Over Killing
Compassion Over Killing and Students Show Dunkin’ How Easy a Vegan Donut Would Be!
by Compassion Over Killing
Powerful read: "When confronted with the realities of the animal agriculture industry, with its wide range of exploitation of human and non-human animals, I realized that without an animal rights pedagogy, my anti-oppression lens was incomplete. And as a queer white woman doing social justice work, ..