by KindMeal.my
A 150-pound (68 kg) rope was entangled around the whale shark's neck—and this family didn't hesitate to help.
by KindMeal.my
Enjoy authentic Italian meals at Coconut House Jaya One, featuring pizza and bakery baked with wood fire oven! Get up to 20% off:
by KindMeal.my
This is the world's sweetest dog and he's raised a family of ducklings since they were 1 day old! He even helped them learn how to swim 💚
by KindMeal.my
Raw Chef Yin visits La Zat for authentic, delicious & irresistible Malay vegan cuisine! Enjoy it at 20% off:
by Compassion Over Killing
Want these limited-edition soaps in time for stocking stuffers? Deadline to request them is TODAY in order to ship in time for Dec 25. Hurry:
by Compassion Over Killing
2018: our undercover investigations are exposing truth to millions, our legal advocacy’s bringing justice for animals, and our corporate campaigns are changing menus and minds. Double your impact with a matched donation as we forge ahead into 2019! <3
by Compassion Over Killing
With your support, in 2018, Compassion Over Killing's undercover investigations are exposing truth to millions, our legal advocacy’s bringing justice for animals, and our corporate campaigns are changing menus and minds. Double your impact with a matched donation as we forge ahead into 2019.
by Animal Equality
We investigate to keep you informed. Read about how we use our investigative work to educate the public and persuade companies and policymakers. -->
by Compassion Over Killing
We're so excited to partner with Follow Your Heart to offer vegan food to the DC Community! 👉 Support our work making vegan food easy & accessible.
by Vegan.com
A smart take on a crucial subject. I love this: "To get to true mass adoption, fake meat will need to compete favorably with the real thing on multiple fronts."