by KindMeal.my
This little lamb couldn't walk, but she worked so hard doing her exercises every day to get better. Now she BOUNCES around in her wheelchair!
by KindMeal.my
Delicious, nutritious curry vegetable rice at Green Talk Healthy Organic & Cafe! Enjoy 20% off now:
by KindMeal.my
to our cute, beloved friends of nature out there! 😘
by KindMeal.my
I believe I can fly ~ 🐦
by KindMeal.my
visits Love Earth Cafe 爱地球素食坊 for a sumptuous Thai & Japanese feast! Enjoy 20% off now:
by Vegan.com
What does organically grown really mean, and is it worth paying extra for organic foods? Learn the answers here.
by Compassion Over Killing
Time is running out! Are you #teamdunkin or #teamkrispykreme? Go to WeLoveDunkin.com to cast your vote for the vegan #DonutWars TODAY! 🍩 Don’t forget to print and share your ideal vegan donut and tag us for a chance to be featured!
by Vegan.com
Another massive beef recall announced much too late. Practically all the bad meat has already been eaten, since the most recent beef included in the recall was produced almost a month ago.
by Animal Equality
Use the code AE_GALA18_EARLY to get $50 off from now until October 5th! Our third annual Inspiring Global Action Gala takes place on Saturday, October 27th at the iconic Beverly Hilton Hotel. The evening will feature fabulous cocktails, a gourmet, plant-based seated dinner, and the opportunity t..
by Compassion Over Killing
High-Speed Horrors: there is nothing scarier than the USDA's high-speed slaughter program. This month we’ve launched cell phone ads targeted around the USDA’s HQ urging it to stop the cruel and dangerous program. Help us keep the pressure on: bit.ly/USDAhorrors