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by KindMeal.my
When people came across this poisonous snake stuck in a can, they knew they had to save his life 🐍❤️
View Video 05 June 2018
by KindMeal.my
Regulations will soon be in place to ensure livestock and poultry like chicken, ducks, pigs and cattle will be transported safely. A good step by Jabatan Perkhidmatan Veterinar towards improving Malaysia's animal welfare!
View Article 05 June 2018
by KindMeal.my
Delight your taste buds with authentic Delhi cuisine in the comfy fine dining environment of Delhi Royale, KL. Enjoy up to 20% off:
View Article 05 June 2018
by Compassion Over Killing
Join Jane Velez-Mitchell for our next Vegans in Person (VIP) Facebook Live event! Wednesday, June 6th at 3:00 pm (PT). “Like” JVM on Facebook now and tune in for this special Q&A session with TV host, activist, and author Jane Velez-Mitchell! facebook.com/JaneVelezMitchell
View Article 05 June 2018
by Vegan.com
The great thing about #NationalCheeseDay is that every year it's another reminder of how far vegan cheeses have come.
View Article 05 June 2018
by Animal Equality
Today, until the end of June, your gift to Animal Equality will be matched - meaning you can double your impact to help animals just like her! 💛🐔 Donate today --> animalequality.org/donate
View Article 05 June 2018
by Compassion Over Killing
Millions of Americans are ditching dairy for their health, the environment, and animals--and it’s time for Little Caesars to get a slice of this action by dishing out vegan cheese! 🍕 bit.ly/vegancheeseplease #NationalCheeseDay
View Article 05 June 2018
by Vegan.com
If you used to eat a lot of dairy products, but you cut them out without simultaneously embracing some high-calcium vegan foods, please take a few minutes to read this.
View Article 04 June 2018
by Animal Equality
Because they cannot produce eggs and don't grow large enough to be used for meat, male chicks are often ground up alive in the egg industry 💔🐣 Check out some great egg alternatives:
View Article 04 June 2018
by Compassion Over Killing
"...new research shows that without meat and dairy consumption, global farmland use could be reduced by more than 75% – an area equivalent to the US, China, European Union and Australia combined – and still feed the world." 😮
View Article 04 June 2018
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